Omagh - Womens' Rights

Services should be commissioned by the Health Minister to allow for free, safe & legal abortions
The Protest Buffer Zones legislation, which protects those seeking abortions and healthcare from abuse, must be implemented.
Gender quotas should be introduced for elections
Action should be taken to ensure the end of female genital mutilation
The legislation that would see period products available in all public buildings needs implemented
The Violence Against Women & Girls Strategy in Northern Ireland needs fully implemented
  • The Socialist Party strongly supports greater female participation of women and gender non-conforming people in politics and civic life in general, particularly women workers, trade unionists, LGBTQ+ rights activists, community activists and youth campaigners who will genuinely represent the interests of the majority of women and working-class people of all genders. We believe this needs to be linked to a movement against all forms of sexism and misogyny and for free public childcare, a reduction of the working week without loss of pay, living wages and high quality social housing for all.