West Tyrone - Womens' Rights

The Health Minister should commission services to allow for free, safe & legal abortions.
There should be Protest Buffer Zones for at least 1 mile outside abortion services buildings
Gender quotas for elections should be in place
The need to stop female genital mutilation should be highlighted
Free sanitary products should be available in public & council owned buildings
A Violence Against Women & Girls Strategy should be implemented in Northern Ireland
The NI Assembly should pass the Justice (Sexual Offences & Human Trafficking) Bill
The 'Rough Sex' defence should be abolished and threats to publish 'Revenge Porn' should be criminalised
Non-Fatal Strangulation legislation should be introduced
The Protection from Stalking Bill should be passed
  • The Socialist Party is strongly in favour of increasing the participation of women in politics but we believe gender quotas do not fundamentally address the barriers faced by women, particularly working-class women. These include: inaccessible and expensive childcare; limited time to become politically active due to the pressures of increasing living costs; and precariousness in employment and housing which disproportionately impact women; as well as harmful gender norms and sexist attitudes that continue to prevail in society. Tackling these issues would be far more effective in increasing the participation of women and non-binary people in politics. Nor do we think that feminising the ruling elite constitutes the type of change we need: the election of more women from capitalist establishment parties which have consistently acted against the interests of working-class women is not what is needed. Instead, we need to have a stronger voice for women and gender non-conforming people. Of course this includes more representation - we are organising to ensure that this is of an anti-sectarian, left-wing character - women workers, trade unionists, community activists and youth campaigners who will genuinely represent the interests of the majority of women and working class people. As socialist feminists, we focus on the ability of active movements of working-class people of all genders to challenge oppression and exploitation that is part and parcel of capitalism and are actively involved in helping to build these movements.
  • Protest Buffer Zones - Clare Bailey’s Safe Access Zones Bill establishes 150m zones. The 'Rough Sex' defence should be abolished and threats to publish 'Revenge Porn' should be criminalised, Justice (Sexual Offences & Human Trafficking) Bill, Protection from Stalking Bill, Non-Fatal Strangulation legislation - these have passed, with the support of Green MLAs