West Tyrone - Housing & Homelessness
Legislation to tackle the growing homelessness crisis is urgently needed
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Landlords should be taxed for empty properties
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Rent caps should be placed on properties
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Application administration fees should be abolished
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
There should be a Vacant Land Tax for those who own land but do nothing with it
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Houses of Multiple Occupancy should be more regulated
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Tenants should have greater rights to security of tenure in private rental housing & should be protected from no fault eviction
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
Legislation should be put in place to prohibit the discriminatory practise of refusing tenancies to those in receipt of social security benefits
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
There should be a legislative cap on holiday homes in seaside towns
- Somewhat Agree
- Somewhat Agree
- Strongly Agree
- Strongly Agree
- The Vacant land Tax issue must be underpinned by what the 'use' is. It is important that it is not used as a gateway to facilitate environmentally damaging industry or practice. Empty holiday homes must be fully utilised and not retained for private profit or occassional use.