West Tyrone - Austerity

Every adult should receive Universal Basic Income
Universal Credit, PIP & Work Capability Assessment all need reformed
The Social Sector Size Criteria should be abolished
Austerity cuts in the community should be reversed in important sectors such as the arts, youth clubs and sports
Pay-to-use ATM machines should be scrapped
Supermarkets, restaurants, cafes and other businesses must donate unused food to food banks
  • Rural communities where banks are closed should at least have to provide Free ATM machines.
  • The Socialist Party believes that every person should be guaranteed an income that allows them to live a dignified and fulfilling life. We therefore agree with the core desire often put forward by those who support a form of UBI. However, in the context of precarious employment norms most clearly represented by the "gig economy" - which is particularly prevalent for young workers, migrant workers and women workers - we are seeing wages being pushed lower and lower. The concept of right to a decent income which we support cannot be allowed to be used by bosses to try to further reduce their responsibility to pay decent wages! The struggle for higher wages in the context of the current cost of living crisis is even more acute and we favour active movements, including coordinated strike action and trade union demonstrations. The actions by workers in the gig economy as well across the private and public sectors recently are important and we send our full solidarity and support to them. These actions should be coordinated for maximum impact. The international experience of how UBI has been applied or tested also points to its limitation in not actually providing a basic income and has often been used by right-wing economists and politicians as a basis to dismantle public services. Socialist attitudes toward any UBI would depend on the concrete form it takes.
  • We would support the UK Government rolling out a UBI.