North Antrim - Disability Rights

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) should be incorporated into law in Northern Ireland
There should be greater education regarding disabilities rolled out in schools, further education environments & workplaces
Legislation should be developed whereby it is recognised that children under 16 (including disabled children) can exercise legal capacity with support
The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) & assessment should be repealed for a better alternative
Work Capability Legislation should be repealed, including the associated assessment and a human rights approach should be adopted
Carers should have protected time off work
Harry's Law should be passed (legislation to protect children with disabilities in education)
The Mental Capacity Act 2016 should be reformed to remove discrimination on the basis of disability in the context of deprivation of liberty
The Independent Living Fund should be re-opened to new applicants
Adult Safeguarding Legislation should be developed to create a single source of evidence on exploitation, violence and abuse of d/Deaf and disabled people within care systems in Northern Ireland
Data monitoring by public & government agencies should be improved