Belfast West - Regional Investment

Infrastructure spending and capital investment is required in the most deprived regions, based on need - not just Belfast
Transport routes must be improved in the West; with train routes being a high priority
There should be council programs for regeneration of town centres
Councils should take greater steps to pedestrianise streets in towns & cities
  • Transport routes in the west must be improved but creating roads and railways to mine the sperrins must be challenged
  • As an Independent candidate running in West Belfast, i am not looking to serve my community but every area of Belfast and further reaching onwards, An in depth analysis of the train system running in North sees that it hasnt been properly working since 1960s North, many rural villages and towns rely on public transport to access Belfast for work and many only have busses, these busses do not run frequently nor do they run all day and night, meaning if one was to have a night out in town they would then have to fork out a lot of money for a private taxi. My experiences living in Crumlin showed this to me and i was shocked, last bus from town half 7 at times, a functioning train line runs through there one which the people of crumlin could do with.