Belfast West - Public Sector

Broadband should be free to all at the point of use
The creeping privatisation of our public services like the Housing Executive & Translink should be stopped
The PSNI and their procedures should be reviewed, including but not limited to: The reaction to the Black Lives Matter protest in summer 2020, as well as their decision to train authoritarian regimes in Oman & Israel
There should be a public enquiry into Invest NI
Statutory support & funding should be put in place for recovering from the pandemic
There should be a public enquiry into the handling of the pandemic by the Government
  • The public enquiry into the pandemic should be truly independent including why all deaths with covid are categorised as such instead of because of covid. Also the media should be held to account and the effects of lockdown and mental health, loss of businesses and effects of poverty on lives.
  • Digital poverty is a real and pressing issue for many young people and families. Broadband is now as essential to modern living as other utilities