Belfast West - LGBTQ+

Conversion therapy should be banned in Northern Ireland
The 3 month deferral period on MSM blood donations should be lifted
Northern Ireland needs a Gender Recognition Act
Trans women should be allowed to be on all-women shortlists
There should be greater education about trans issues for all ages in schools & workplaces
Homophobic & transphobic bullying in schools & workplaces should be stopped
LGBT couples should have adoption equality
Greater healthcare services for trans people are needed
Data collection by public & government agencies on LGBT hate crimes needs to improve
  • We support a fully equal blood donation policy across society, in line with SaBTO recommendations.
  • Conversion therapy currently can be classed as a preacher praying over an individual if they request it. This is fine however a person sitting with a qualified therapist to convince them to change sexuality is wrong and shouldn’t be practised by professionals. Equal healthcare for everyone not extra for trans. Trans people should be allowed on female shortlists but not competing against them in sports