Belfast South - Internationalism

I oppose unnecessary military involvement in local or foreign conflicts
There should be no hard border in Ireland
The BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement should be supported
I stand in solidarity with culturally distinct regions to have the democratic right to self-determination. For example: Catalonia, Palestine, Hong Kong, etc.
  • The Socialist Party is opposed to the hardening of borders on the island of Ireland or within the Irish Sea, as either will inevitably inflame sectarian tensions, as we have unfortunately seen over the last year. The Socialist Party opposes recent attempts to repress the BDS movement and believes strongly in showing solidarity with the Palestinian masses suffering war and occupation. However, we differ with those in the BDS movement who argue for blanket consumer boycotts and sanctions as a solution. Instead, we favour targeted boycotts of those complicit in the occupation, based on international workers' solidarity, and linking up with the working classose in the Israeli state and the occupied territories resisting the occupation. As part of International Socialist Alternative, we stand in solidarity with working-class people around the world who are facing oppression or fighting for democratic rights. We work closely with our sister organisations around the world, including in the regions mentioned and have engaged in solidarity actions with those facing repression most recently socialist and other pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. .
  • It is not right to equate the situation in Palestine with calls for an independent Catalonia - or a North South Italian division as demanded by some