Belfast South - Education

Higher education should be free at the point of use
There should be a greater awareness of dyslexia and dyspraxia in schools
The curriculum should include greater education on subjects such as: LGBT rights, Mental Health, Money Management and Comprehensive Sex Education
The student nurse bursary should be returned & bursaries should be extended to all health & social care students
Relationship and sexuality education (RSE) should be compulsory, comprehensive and standardised in schools
There is a need for greater political education in schools, higher education environments and workplaces
  • 3rd level education should be centrally funded, free at the point of delivery, supported by student grants and all students should leave university / college debt free
  • There is a lack of political education, if NI is to move away from "voting as family always voted" we need to encourage people to vote and also ensure they know how to vote as some don't even know how the NI voting systems work.